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CANCER Full Moon: Out of bounds emotions- 01/13/25

The first Full Moon of the 2025 calendar year occurs on January 13th at 24° of Cancer with the Moon opposing the Sun at 24° of Capricorn. Whatever intentions were set into motion on the Capricorn New Moon two weeks ago, now culminates as Lady Luna perfects her fullness in her own sign of Cancer. The Full Moon is conjunct Mars retrograde at 27° of Cancer, which could fuel aggressive emotional outbursts lest we keep our ego in check. The highest vibrational expression of this Mars influence could spark the need to retreat and renew prior to moving forward. Our physical body longs to align with our emotional needs in this lunar phase. Mars is reviewing the axis of emotional need and driven dedication.

The Moon and Mars will both be in a supportive spiritual Water trine to Neptune and the North Node in Pisces during this lunation. This is an uninterrupted flow of Divine inspiration that allows us to process the intense emotions, apply compassion, and feel into our next move. Mars, which represents our Cardinal Fire and the way we physically move towards our driven desires, is harmonizing with the stronger and higher frequencies of the ethereal realm and the nodes of fate. If we allow ourselves to sense the subtleties of the Spirit, we can align the emotional soul body, and human coherence. We can be inspired to move through fears and embody the power to end old emotional programming that no longer supports our passions, especially familiar belief systems and indoctrinations of supposed duty.

Is this still my responsibility? Have I fulfilled my familial obligation? What is my inner warrior protecting? Would continuing on my current path provide long-term emotional fulfillment and security?

The Cancer Full Moon is also in a supportive sextile to Uranus retrograde at 23° of Taurus. This could provide a rapid-fire ability to move through the feelings that are erupting on the surface as themes of comfort and care are triggered. How do I intend to protect my family? Some radical and innovative downloads may align our emotional soul body with our higher cosmic consciousness at this time and operate in a higher frequency of knowing. The ability to see the revolutionary big picture could surprise us. How do I embody my Yin energies of compassion and comfort? How can I tune into the innate Divine feminine part of my nature to guide me? Who do I consider family and where do I intend to create Sanctuary?

The Cancer Full Moon conjunct Mars is not only creating an opposition to the Capricorn Sun but also Pluto at 0° of Aquarius. This ongoing power struggle between Mars and Pluto is providing the power to transform. It evokes a desire to co-collaborate in order to heal as a collective. There is certainly an underlying societal signature permeating this lunation, which provides a foreshadowing of a potentially progressive future. If we can open our minds to a radical new approach to everything.

This emotionally charged Wolf Moon allows us to feel into our motives. To sit within our emotional soul body before taking any outer action. We can utilize this potent phase to digest why we are doing what we are doing, and imagine how embracing a radical new approach from a place of emotional authority could actually nurture and soothe our nervous system. Emotional intelligence and instinct versus the indoctrinated sense of duty and expectations. Am I willing to do the work required to see my dreams come to fruition? We don't have to decide right now. Mars will not station direct in Cancer until February, and will not re-enter Leo and complete its final opposition to Pluto until April. For now, we have a lengthy period of time to consider the emotionally fulfilling life we want to create as Mars is intent on a sincere soul retrieval.

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