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Aries New Moon-Total Solar Eclipse: The ability to break free


Updated: Apr 6, 2024

The waning Moon is moving incrementally closer toward the Sun, preparing to completely eclipse Sol on Monday. The darkest moments will occur as the light is blocked, especially considering the Sun is exactly conjoined to Chiron, the wounded healer during this fated event. The new moon intention would appropriately focus on eclipsing away our fears and enabling us to boldly face our issues head on post-eclipse. This potent event in the cardinal Fire sign could even potentially free us from lifelong cycles of suffering that have prevented the actualization of our true potential.

The powerful New Moon's total solar eclipse at 19° of Aries does not aspect any other planets outside of the Chiron conjunction. However, just one sign away, the two malefic planets Mars and Saturn are approaching an exact conjunction in Pisces, which will perfect within 48 hours of the eclipse. Mars, our planet of identity, action, and the ruler of this lunation, is receiving inspiration as it moves through the gentle realm of Pisces. As our imagination is stimulated, Saturn can provide the anchor to channel our energies. Mars moving through Pisces can embolden us with inspiration yet, Saturn is a reminder to check our motives prior to making our next move to avoid less than desirable consequences . Envision the peaceful warrior absorbing the spiritual strength to move forward with integrity. Mars will ingress into his home sign of Aries at the end of April infused with dreams and desires, eager and ready to act accordingly.

The bottom line is that we don't know what to do right now. Embrace an energy of being, as opposed to doing. Mercury is currently retrograding through Aries during this eclipse, the Mars/Saturn conjunction, and the upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on the 20th. More will be revealed as we move into May but for now, it is about embracing those parts of us that have held us back. To be provided with a conscious awareness of the subconscious blocks that have keep us small. It is an inside job. May the Universe graciously remove the past karmic conditioning that we no longer need to carry🙏

See you on the other side!



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