Updated: Apr 20, 2023

The first North Node Aries Eclipse since 2006 is occurring on April 20th, activating the nodal shift into the Aries/Libra eclipse axis and offering us a foreshadowing of the next 18months. This is a rare blended Annular and Total Solar Eclipse which hasn't occurred in almost a century! In addition to the novel event, this is the second New Moon in a row occurring in the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries. The last new lunar cycle was on March 21st at 0° of Aries, and now this one is happening at 29°, the aneretic degree, the final point of completion. It is a multilayered second chance for a brand new beginning.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the place where we emerge into physical form. Eclipses remove things from our lives preventing the fulfillment of our future destiny. In this case, we can expect a physical part of our lives or our identity to be removed. This will unfold over the next six months, and a rebalancing of who we are and how we show up in partnerships will be highlighted through March of 2025.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse will be in an out of sign conjunction to the north node at 4° of Taurus and a square to Pluto at 0° of Aquarius, initiating new revelatory energies and completing old karmic endings. A powerful and personal transformation is indeed underway. The fact that this new lunar cycle of new intention setting is conjunct Jupiter in Aries indicates that any endings we experience serve to bring in massive blessings. These changes, no matter how uncomfortable they currently feel (Chiron in Aries), are ultimately benevolent in nature.
Have eyes to see what is igniting your inner fire.
What has completed within you since March 21? What are you ready to remove? What new passion are you ready to work towards? Always with Aries energies, check your motives. A new reality is now possible!
Within 24 hours of this intense lunation, the Sun/Pluto square becomes exact at 0° of Aquarius and Taurus, and Mercury will station retrograde at 15° of Taurus. Have we executed our power to align with our personal values?
Thanks for sharing this. These are good questions to contemplate!