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AQUARIUS Season-a radical transformation


A new synodic cycle has been triggered! Aquarius Season (1/19-2/18) this year is a Whole New World due to the presence of Pluto in the innovative and unorthodox Air sign this season (and until 2044). We will really start to recognize that we have entered a new Era as a collective from this point on!!

The aforementioned Synodic cycle will be triggered as the Sun enters Aquarius and conjoins Pluto at 1° of the radical sign on the 21st. Meaning, our Galaxy Star becomes one with the Lord of the Underworld. The lightest of light and the darkest of dark are working congruently. This aspect will trigger a higher truth of hidden knowledge, an acceleration into a new timeline and a new reality. The last time Pluto was in this placement was 1778–1798.

This Season will find us struggling to shine in our own unique light as we feel compelled to focus solely on support for the collective as the Sun is considered in detriment in the revolutionary sign of the water bearer. Balance is key. It behooves us not to deviate our focus too far from our own inspired bigger picture of new possibilities lest we become tied to the machine of covert societal agendas. The North Node along with Saturn, Neptune, and Venus are in Pisces; nothing is as it seems. We now have access to operate within the higher cosmic consciousness of the Aquarius energy. This benefit will gain momentum as Mercury moves into the Aquarius mix on the 27th. This ingress will allow our human conscience to work in a much elevated plane of awareness.

The New Moon in Aquarius will occur on the 29th and start a new lunar cycle of unprecedented potential! Just a day after, the Aquarius ruler Uranus stations direct in Taurus. We will certainly feel celestial support moving us beyond our previous limiting beliefs. There is no sky; there is no limit! Honor the inner heretic, it just may find liberation!


Happy Solar Return to all of my Aquarius folks! 10% off of readings for you this month!



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