Aquarius New Moon-personal revolution

The amped-up Aquarius Super New Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon become concurrently charged in the fixed air sign on February 9th at 20° of Aquarius. This is a sign that rules our interconnectedness with others out in the world, however, this new lunar cycle hits close to home. The personal planets that govern our daily lives are ingressing into the fixed air sign, receiving a supercharge of evolutionary power as they connect with Pluto at zero degrees of pure potentiality upon entry. The imprint of the archetypal Aquarius/Uranus Energy now combined with the transformative power of Pluto is giving serious "Rebel with a Cause" vibes. Mercury has already arrived in Aquarius, and will be followed by Mars, and then ultimately Venus, upgrading our thoughts, actions, and physical senses. A futuristic version of what we consider abundant living is about to burst through the glass ceiling of possibilities! With Aquarius, there is no sky, and there is no limit! The inner visionary is ready to rise from the ashes!
This Aquarius New Moon will be in a fixed square to its ruling planet, Uranus, now direct in the Earth sign of Taurus, representing a pressured decision between the two houses these signs occupy. The areas receive an unsettling liberation. Uranuan influence can come in as a curveball, and feel quite chaotic in the moment. Remember, Jupiter, the planet of higher truth is steadily approaching Uranus in the material sign of Taurus. These are the two master teachers. Any change of course in regards to what you have been manifesting is under the influence of radically upgraded, higher vibrational future blessings. Make the shift, take the unusual and unorthodox approach to big-picture fulfillment! Mercury, the planet, that rules our human conscious mind, will be in an exact square to Jupiter within hours of this New Moon. Mars and Venus will soon follow suit.
The big shift into the Aquarian age starts within. We are releasing the shackles of the past, and embracing the unknown future with an emphasis on personal metamorphosis. Very soon the past will become inaccessible. This electrifying New Moon is a call to embrace and empower the unique individual qualities that reside within our souls. From this point on, we can embrace a path of connecting our inner genius with others out in the world. We can put our cards on the table, show up in all of our previously hidden flare, and rest assured that by sharing this unique expression of self is what makes the world a better place. Those that matter don't care, and those that care don't matter! Our future tribe is being revealed. And it starts with remembering and reigniting all that we are.
New moons represent a new lunar cycle of rejuvenation that leads to manifestation. We can set our intentions in this high vibrational beginning around new experiences with new people in a new way. A time to take the road less traveled. Extraordinary is the possibility
when we embrace the lingering themes of the previous Leo Full Moon and set them into motion at this time. Where are you willing to operate as your own sovereign authority? By showing up in the most authentic version of self-empowerment now, the right people will start to emerge on the new timeline. By April 20th, Jupiter will conjunt and merge with the Great Awakener vibrations of Uranus. In the sign of Taurus, this is about the higher truth of living in radical abundance. Between now and then, no one that comes across your path is a coincidence. Lean into the future possibilities. Uranus has an uncanny capacity to illuminate the most advanced qualities within us all. We are at a pivotal point of moving into a new Aquarian age as a species. The personal activations occurring now will come full circle and materialize at the time of the Taurus New Moon on May 7th, when the luminaries will then be in a conjunction with Uranus. The unconscious will become conscious.
"The only constant in life is change." -Heraclitus