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Updated: Aug 16, 2023

On August 1st we have the first of two Super Full Moons in the month of August. The current Aquarius Full Moon at 9° will be opposite the Sun in Leo, with both luminaries in a 4° square to Jupiter in the Fixed earth sign of Taurus. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, making the radical planet of upgraded evolution the ruler of this lunation. Uranus is currently transiting through Taurus and will station retrograde on August 28th, just prior to the second Super Full Moon (Pisces/Virgo) on the 30th. A Super Moon is a Moon that is closer to the Earth in its orbit causing it to appear larger in the sky, and also greatly magnifying the energies that are represented and culminating.

Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign that represents the collective, as humanity is literally being ushered into the new age of Aquarius while this lunation occurs. It is a sign that is of the people, for the people and supports radical revolutionary processes of growth that support the individual as well as the the whole. After the past year and a half of the North Node in the sign of Taurus, representing our own material, self-sustainability, and just a month after the Nodal shift into the Fire sign of Aries, representing our primal material form (self) as an individual, we have an echoing theme in August that serves to remind us of our need for interconnectedness with others and Source energy. We are not a rock, we are not an island, and we get by with a little help from our friends.

The Pisces Full Moon at the end of the month, with the Sun in the sign of Virgo, reminds us, once more of the inner and outer axis. The personal plan, based on fact, and the vision of our future propelled by faith. Aquarius and Pisces are very similar signs in that they represent an unseen thread of interconnectedness, to one another in human form and energetically to all of time and space in the spiritual, limitless ethereal realm. Both signs support acceptance, individuality, and compassion without judgment. The grander view of self and others that we will all be focused on for the next 18 months as the North Node moves through Aries, the sign of self, and the South Node moves through Libra, our intimate partnerships with others.

As we experience, the power of this Super Full Moon in Aquarius, the challenging square to Jupiter wants to expand the Soul and the Spirit. The sovereignty that is expressed through individual integrity as we integrate with outward society. All without compromising, who we are on an individual expression.

Aquarius represents the water-bearer that pours out wisdom onto the Earth, based on a higher cosmic consciousness of growth based on interconnectedness. It is elevated in its understanding of our place in this earthly realm and all of the vast outer realms that exist. We can look at the houses occupied by both Leo and Aquarius in our chart where Jupiter wants to expand a higher truth about their expressions. The square aspect always calls for reconciliation. How can we stand firm and expand our personal authority and also honor the highest emotional needs of other people in the process?

-Grapic by Burnard Art



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