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01/23/25-MARS out of bounds and more!


  • Mars retrograde in Cancer sextile Uranus retrograde in Taurus at 23 degrees

  • Mercury in Capricorn opposes Mars retrograde in Cancer at 23 degrees

  • Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus at 23 degrees

(Do you have any placements at 23 degrees of these signs?)

Let's just start with the fact that Mars retrograde is still operating out of bounds, and will be until April 7th! This means that the personal planet which governs our ego identity as well as our anger is operating beyond the parameters of control. Mars also symbolizes our driven desires, passion, and physical form. Thankfully, we will have several aspects on the 23rd that can aid us in our ability to reign it in.

This extreme orbit of Mars can trigger irritability and outbursts. We can seize the day by stepping back to see the big picture. With Mars retrograde in Cancer it's about taking the time to honor our feelings in order to move forward with emotional maturity. Mars Sextile to Uranus retrograde at 23° of Taurus can offer an opening; an unorthodox approach to freedom and liberation. The ability to pivot on our path seems a little easier to embrace. This is the second of three Mars/Uranus sextiles. Think back to the first connection on 10/24/24 when this aspect occurred while Mars was moving direct. More will be revealed.

Also, Mercury at 23° of Capricorn will oppose Mars retrograde in Cancer. The personal planet which symbolizes our human conscious mind and how we communicate is creating tension with the God of War! Best we mind our motives or this could become quite volatile. Think before speaking and engage filter!

And lastly, Mercury in Capricorn creates a harmonious Earth trine to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Uranus is the higher octave of the lower Mercurial mind, representing the expansive possibilities of our higher cosmic consciousness. Innovative insights can curtail lower vibration communications. Downloads and a-ha moments abound if we are willing to think outside the box. The rebel with a cause is Uranus, harmoniously, aspecting both Mercury and Mars. This influence can mitigate the explosive influence of the Mars/Mercury opposition.

🗝️Tapping into and trusting our higher mind, oversoul, and true self is the key to potentiality.



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